Geophysical Domain Mapper Interface =================================== The Geophysical Domain Mapper Interface allows users to map geophysical domains using statistical constraints. It enables a fast initial pass to draw the domains and then refine them in `Geoscience ANALYST`_. Its capacity to take several data inputs allows for the combination of different geophysical data to map the domains. The interface is presented in :numref:`figure_interface` below. .. _figure_interface: .. figure:: ../../images/application/infer_main_uijson.png :align: center :width: 60% :alt: Geophysical Domain Mapper Interface *Geophysical Domain Mapper Interface* The mechanisms behind this interface are presented in the :ref:`inference_mechanisms` section. The different options available in the interface are: 1. **Grid**: The grid containing the data to be used for the inference. 2. **Data**: A *data group* containing the data to map. This group must be previously created in `Geoscience ANALYST`_. 3. **Pretrained model**: A pretrained model to use for the inference. This model is a ``*.pt`` file provided by **Mira Geoscience** or obtained with the :ref:`training_procedure`. 4. **Minimum segment size**: The minimum size of the segment to create. All segments containing less grid cells than this value will be merged with the closest segment. 5. **Output name**: The name of the data to create. It will be a *Referenced data* associated with the input grid. 6. **Domains clustering** options: - If *unchecked*, the non-adjacent segments will be separated into different classes. - **Optimal number of cluster**: If this option is checked, the number of clusters will be automatically determined (time-consuming process). - **Number of clusters**: The number of clusters to create. By pressing the ``OK`` button, the inference will be performed and the output will be created in the `Geoscience ANALYST`_ project as a referenced data. The :numref:`figure_results` below shows an example of the Geophysical Domains detected by the application. The results have been obtained from 3 input layers: a magnetic layer, a gravity layer, and an elevation layer. This gives the geologist a quick first pass to draw the domains and then refine them in `Geoscience ANALYST`_. .. _figure_results: .. figure:: ../../images/application/results_inference.png :align: center :width: 80% :alt: Example of Geophysical Domains detected by the application *Example of Geophysical Domains detected by the application from 3 input layers* .. _Geoscience ANALYST: